Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Why I chose to start a blog.


Recently, I have thought a lot about social media. What part it plays in my life, the negative aspects as well as the positive, and the message I am sending to those around me. The positive is, I live far from my family, so it is important for me to share pictures of my daughter so they see her grow. That is why I choose to keep the ol' Facebook around. However, I feel it isn't a place to share every detail of your life, nor a place to vent your worries or angers. Although I feel like it can be flooded with negative posts, if one is only posting positive parts of their life, it can paint a false picture to others that their life is perfect. I never want to add to the negativity, but I also don't want people to assume that my life is "perfect." There is no such thing as a perfect life. That is why we have heaven to look forward to. ;) I feel like this is a good avenue to share what is going on in the Rehms family. I will share the great things that are happening, as well as, how we deal with our trials and tribulations.

After Danny and I had been dating for a few months, we decided to pray with some God-driven couples in our life. It played a big role into our decision to get married, and it was incorporated into our pre-marital counseling. I was going through a very difficult season in the beginning of this process. I didn't understand why life was so difficult, why did bad things continue to happen in my life, why did I feel all alone. The first couple that we prayed with had seen me around church and we shared (very) small talk only a few times. They didn't know who I was, what I had been through, or even what I was going through. The purpose of our meeting was to pray about Danny and I as a couple. However, they felt that the need was to pray about me. Just me. I was thrown a little bit, until they started telling me what they heard from God. I'll just list a few things:

  • I felt abandoned. I needed to forgive those who had abandoned me.
  • They saw me as a light. They said, "People will see that you have been through so much, yet you choose to be happy. They will wonder, 'Why?'"
  • I couldn't hear God talking to me.

Those aren't the only things that they heard and shared with me, but those were the things that really hit home. How could this couple know these things about me without even knowing me?! I was raised Christian, but this was the first time I felt like God knew ME, and was talking to ME through these people. My faith changed from believing in God because it was what was "right," to having a personal relationship with God.

This was over three years ago. I have decided to write about things that go on, how we deal with them as a family, and how we choose to maintain a positive outlook although life can be very hard. I hope people can find hope in their situation by learning about my life. Also, that we can all CHOOSE to be happy, although we live in a dark world.

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